There are all kinds of factors that you would need to keep in mind when you are undertaking the process by which you would go about manufacturing your business cards at any given point in time. The sheer number of these factors might make you assume that you are never going to be able to pare them down in time in any way, shape or form, so we would suggest that you narrow down your options as much as possible so that you can focus on the things that truly matter to you.
A big part of the reason why that is the case has to do with the fact that the creation of Black Metal Kards is a rather time sensitive matter whether you realize it or not. You can find ways to make these cards work in your favor but if you were to delay having them made due to an inability to be decisive about the things that you are responsible for would be rather detrimental to your business and you might just struggle to recover from this in the long run.
Try to avoid having to decide some of the more minute elements of your business cards. This is a form of micromanaging that will cost you both time and money, so you will be far better off if you were to hand these decisions over to a subordinate who can handle them for you. After all, while business cards are truly important, they are not the only things that are worth considering when you are running your business. You will always have more pressing matters to attend to that will take precedence over this.